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Q & A


The Parent Training Weekend Workshop is a PARENTS ONLY educational weekend designed to provide parents with applicable knowledge and useful tools to work with their children as well as an overview of the treatment program at Duke.
Q:  Will we have time to connect with other parents?
A:  Yes!  We will provide some structured times for parents to interact in groups and we will certainly encourage you to interact with one another during unstructured times!  Have dinner, grab some coffee, and share your story!
Q:  Will the topics be relevant to all age groups?
A:  Yes.  Our groups will address selective eating throughout age groups - sometimes together, and sometimes in groups divided based on age of children.
Q:  Will the topics address underlying concerns related to selective eating such as sensory and oral motor issues, generalized anxiety, and/or OCD? 
A:  Yes! This is a very important part of our model and we will address many issues that may or may not co-occur with selective eating.
Q:  Do both parents have to attend?
A:  This is ideal; however, we know that because this is a Parents Only  workshop, it could be difficult for some families. 
Q:  Do our children have to be motivated to change for this program to work?
A:  No, and yes. We start with children where they are in the process and help them move forward. We will have an entire section of our weekend devoted to motivation and what to do if your child is (currently) unwilling to change.  
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