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our program is unique


We combine the best of the best by...taking elements from empirically supported treatment that match the needs of families with selective eating.


Of importance, many of these treatments have been developed and/or are being tested at the Duke Center for Eating Disorders.


We Believe...People have different sensory abilities.


Some see better, hear better or are more sensitive to the feel of textures on the skin.  Some people experience stronger, weaker or different tastes of foods from others while others have a very sensitive sense of smell; however, the capacities of sense organs are just one piece of the puzzle.  While people are born with the predisposition to develop certain capacities, experience helps shape these sensitivities.


Beliefs and expectations about what things will smell or taste like also matter - if we let them get in our way!



Workshop Steps (click on steps below for more info)

Step 1 - Communication

Step 2 - Parenting & Emotion Regulation

Step 3 - Role Modeling and Behavior Management

Step 4 - Mealtime Environment

Step 5 - Sensory Information & Nutrition Resources


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