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The schedule is based on four families per week with children in the same age range.  During the course of the week, each day will run similarly with different discussion topics every day.  Click here for a sample schedule.


One therapist will be assigned as the 'lead' for each family and will conduct two (2) one-on-one sessions with the child, meet with parents and child together.  We provide a 'TEAM' approach to treatment so the 'lead' will communicate with all therapists about all services incurred during the week. 


Several appointments are set up on a rotating basis so all families attend all necessary appointments with our pediatrician and occupational therapist.


Dr. Zucker presents educational information, such as 'The Gut and the Brain', 'Emotion Awareness and Regulation', 'Communication and Validation', 'Meal Planning' for both parents and children.  Each session will be followed with a time for open discussion.


We conduct several group sesssions with parents only and children only to learn and talk about such things as 'motivation & action plans', learning how to become 'sensory scientists', being 'good enough' and 'assertiveness'.


Dr. Zucker and one other therapsit will meet with parents of each child individually, total of two sessions during the week.


At lunchtime, all join together for a 30-minute lunch followed by 'Meal Support',  when children learn new approaches to foods and how to be a food scientist. 


Click here for a summary of medical codes that will most likely be incurred during the week.  You may contact your insurance company to learn what will be reimbursable by your insurance, and what will not, to determine what your out-of-pocket expense will be.



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